(ARCHIVE) Boulder Utah 2021

     ---I'm going to post archived photos over a certain period of time---

Boulder Utah 2021 

(This is from August 2021) I kicked off the journey starting from San Diego, going through the Mojave Desert. I took several photos along the ride getting a few interesting shots but nothing crazy.

We stopped in Cedar City UT for a night. The next morning, we started the 
~3.5 hour drive east towards Boulder. The drive was actually pretty scenic
and the roads were fun as well. Here are a few shots I took on the way.

We finally reached Boulder as it was raining. When the rain cleared we hiked around 
1.5 miles to Chriss Lake. I didn't take many photos of the lake when we were there 
because I was mainly focusing on trying to catch the trout in the lake. This trip was
a while ago so unfortunately I couldn't find any photos of the fish but I caught around
15 brook trout and a few cutthroat trout.

Here are the last photos of the trip from the journey back. Rain clouds combined
with the sunset created some great shots I'd say.


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